Ayurvedic Diet Tips for Sexual Health

Sexual Health: Ayurvedic Diet tips to get rid of Impotence

Realizing the role off good dietetics in one’s sexual life, Vatsyayana has taken pains to describe how a kitchen should be, what food should be the husband fed with and what vegetables should be grown in kitchen gardens. The kitchen, he says, should be maintained by the wife in such a manner that it is clean and organized. It should be closed enclosure that is removed from view so that others do not see what goes on there, and should be well ventilated to allow light and air, and should be neat.

The wife should be knowledgeable about the wholesomeness or otherwise of the food she prepares even as she takes interest to ensure that it is tasty and is a preparation liked by the husband.

Food is an important causative factor for impotence. Among taste, Salt taste and alkali have been directly implicated for causing impotence on overuse.

According to Bhela Samhita, over use of Bitter taste are Avrshya with the exception of Patola (Trichosanthes cucumerina) and so are all ground cereals except yava(Hordeum vulgare) and godhuma(Tritium sativum).

According to Bhaishajya Ratnavvali, Pungent, Sour and Salt taste is reported to cause Pittaja type of impotence.

Some of the food items recommended for impotency

  1. Tender coconut water is described to be having vrshya property and therefore can be used as therapeutic tool in Impotency.
  2. Cows Milk, curd made from buffaloes milk is particularly mentioned as being rejuvenative.
  3. Ghee is good for nourishing tissues. Castor oil is said to be vrshya and sukrashodhana.
  4. Rakta sali(oryza sativa), Masha(Phaseoulus mungo) and godhuma( Triticum sativum)  is said to be sukrala(increases semen)
  5. Among meat, meat of goat is good for impotency.
  6. Among fruits, Goose berry, ripe mango, dry grapes are good.
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