Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Arthritis

Arthritis is a common ailment symptomized by painful joints. As per ancient Hindu science, arthritis is a disease associated with two factors: Ama and Vata.

In Ayurveda, Agni is the factor held responsible for proper digestion. Any imbalance in Agni would result in improper digestion resulting in the toxins like Ama. This element percolates through the lining of the intestine, circulates all through the body and gets deposited at weak points, especially the joints. On accumulation, it aggravates the process of deteriorating the strength of tissues at this place by making them void of essential nutrients. This results in swelling and pain at these victim spots.

The Ayurvedic principle called Vata makes the body realize this pain, as Vata is the element associated with activation of nerve cells. In fact, Vata also decides the sensitivity level of the nervous system. As a result, if Vata is triggered due to some reason, then the pain resulted due to the accumulation of Ama elevates. This is the reason which attributes to the soreness of joints in case of Amavata (= arthritis) prone people.

While in some cases, the increased levels of Ama and Vata can be complemented by the presence of Pitta (Ayurvedic principle related to heat). In this situation, these three factors circulate through the body affecting the Ojas disturbing the immune system. This results in an auto-immune disease termed as Sandhigat Vata, which is also characterized by painful movement of joints.


All the factors which affect the balance of Ama, Vata, Pitta, and Ojas in the body can be held responsible for arthritis. These include the consumption of foods which are difficult to be digested like yogurt, junk food and dairy products, irregular meal schedules, heavy stress, low amount of physical activity, intake of spicy foods, lack of rest, inadequate amount of sleep, exposure to unfavorable environments, physical or psychological trauma, depression, too much of travelling, bad temper and other medications.



The major symptom of arthritis is the rigidity of joints hindering their easy movement. The pain experienced can even be accompanied by swelling, redness, and tenderness. During the long course of time, this condition would result in complete loss of mobility associated with these junctions. Other symptoms of arthritis include fever, tiredness, and loss of hunger eventually leading to weight-loss.


Non-Surgical Treatment option for Arthritis


In Ayurvedic sense, arthritis can be cured or brought under control by restoring the balance of Ama, Vata, Pitta, and Ojas. Massage of the infected areas using moderately heated herbal oil (Abhyanga) helps in lowering the amount of pain felt. This is mainly because; the heated oil penetrates through the tissues and restores the balance of Vata. This act can be complemented by resorting to a diet restricting the intake of foods which are difficult to assimilate.

Next step would be to reorganize the daily routine by regularizing the time at which food is consumed. A further action would be to find time for exercise, pranayama, and meditation followed by ample of rest. In addition, stress relieving sessions can help in reestablishing the psychological health thereby subsiding the pain caused by sore joints.

As supplementary measures, Ayurveda offers treatments like Dhanyamla Dhara, Taila Dhara, kizhi, Nhavarakkizhi, Ilakkizhi, Ksheeravasthi, Panchakarma, and Pindasweda. Accompanying these are the herbal formulations whose major ingredients are usually Shallaki, Ginger, Turmeric, Guggul, Ashwagandha, Amla, Praval Pishti, Ardarak, Sahijan, and Giloy.

Check out our Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment page for more details.

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